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63 Mulberry Street – House


In 1895, local architect Guy Kirkham designed a large Colonial Revival style house and Shingle style carriage house for Chester Bliss at 63 Mulberry Street.



This house once had a carriage house, which is the image associated with this section. The carriage house has recently been demolished. This property is a complex shamble of ownership and codes. Previously repairs were made to the roof. The city continues to pursue action in court. SPT has been working to find someone to buy and restore the property. A decision has not been made yet whether to demolish the house. Currently, the Victoria Capital Trust has found a company to manage the property. If circumstances do not change the house will be lost.


Large carriage houses can be an asset to a property, as there is an opportunity to create an accessory apartment that can provide revenue that helps with the upkeep of the main house.  Another option is to make a bed and breakfast with this building.

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