SPT relies on the support of our members through annual dues. These funds help us continue the important work of advocating for the historic neighborhoods and landscapes in Springfield. Please support the Springfield Preservation Trust by becoming a member today. Thank You!
Become a Member
Household – Discounted admission to SPT events. [button url=”” style=”green” size=”small”] Pay Now [/button]
Small Business – Discounted admission to SPT events. [button url=”” style=”green” size=”small”] Pay Now [/button]
Patron – Discounted Admission to trust events and one(1) complimentary tour ticket. [button url=”” style=”green” size=”small”] Pay Now [/button]
Sponsor – Discounted Admission to trust events and two(2) complimentary tour tickets. [button url=”” style=”green” size=”small”] Pay Now [/button]
Benefactor – Discounted Admission to trust events and four(4) complimentary tour tickets.[button url=”” style=”green” size=”small”] Pay Now [/button]