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Community Event

Annual Historic House Garden Party Fundraiser

48 Park Edge Avenue 48 Park Edge Avenue, Springfield, CT, United States

The Springfield Preservation Trust’s Annual Garden Party Fundraiser will be on August 20, and hosted by Vana Nespor and Alfred Whitehouse. 

$40 – $45

Mattoon Street Arts Festival

45 Mattoon Street Springfield, MA

Join the Springfield Preservation Trust at the 50th Annual Mattoon Streets Art Festival, which gathers more than 90 exhibitors, food vendors, strolling musicians, and community organizations and non-profits, like us!

Mattoon Street Arts Festival Day 2

45 Mattoon Street Springfield, MA

Join the Springfield Preservation Trust at the 50th Annual Mattoon Streets Art Festival, which gathers more than 90 exhibitors, food vendors, strolling musicians, and community organizations and non-profits, like us!

2023 Preservation Awards

Community Music School of Springfield. 127 State St, Springfield, MA

The Springfield Preservation Trust Preservation Awards honor the people and organizations that are helping to restore historic structures in Springfield.


SPT Day at the Springfield Museums

Springfield Museums 21 Edwards Street, Springfield, MA, United States

Free admissions to the Springfield Museums is available to all Springfield Preservation Trust members on Saturday, January 20th. Visit the Museums on "SPT Day" to take advantage of free admissions to all five museums on campus!


For the Love of the City—A Valentine Soirée

Valentine Mansion 270 Maple Street, Springfield, MA, United States

The Springfield Preservation Trust’s 2024 Winter Fundraiser—with the theme “For the Love of the City—A Valentine Soirée”—will be held at the Valentine Mansion, the bed and breakfast and events venue…


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