A Victorian Winter Wonderland—2025 Winter Fundraiser
Celebrate this winter season at Loomis-Wesson Mansion in a Victorian Winter Wonderland. Victorian-inspired attire encouraged but optional.

Linen & Lace: A French Provincial Garden Party Fundraiser
Explore Springfield’s only example of French Provincial architecture—with its formal French Provincial garden—at Le’ Chateau Douillett.

For the Love of the City—A Valentine Soirée
The Springfield Preservation Trust’s 2024 Winter Fundraiser—with the theme “For the Love of the City—A Valentine Soirée”—will be held at the Valentine Mansion, the bed and breakfast and events venue at 270 Maple Street, courtesy of homeowner and host Katherine Prewitt. The event, taking place on February 4, 2024, at 1:00pm, will feature music, hors…